Sunday, 12 February 2012

SWPP conference- late post

Given that the wedding and portrait photography industry is predominantly made up of self-employed freelancers, the SWPP convention really is an eye-opener. Every January, during the low season, hundreds of photographers gather for the largest photographers’ convention in Europe with almost a week of workshops and seminars together with a tradeshow, judging panels and large print competitons.

I felt I owed it to my sanity not to attend the full week this year, but managed to pack a lot into four days.

Some very inspiring talks by Nick Ghionis, Dennis Orchard, Sandy Pucs and Tracy Harper to mention a few. Lots of topics were covered including various posing techniques- some of which I hope never to use, some of which were fantastic, and a fair bit of business nouse. And when the

wedding and portrait side of my brain was full, there was always a chance to find a different school of photography to go through - Boudoir is is very much the

up and coming style at the moment and definitely something I hope to play with some in the near future.

Finally of course the trade show is always a snake pit of the latest ever-more-expensive kit which I managed to make my way through with only a few additions to my album ranges and a change of online sales provider.

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