Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Christenings and a poorly timed holiday

So, what looked like a very quiet period for me (people avoiding the Olympics?) turned suddenly into quite a July with several jobs coming in at short notice. Unfortunately by then, I'd already booked a trip away to Georgia, more on that to come, leaving me without much time for processing them without confirmation from a bride and groom on honeymoon that they'd be happy with previews going up here. In the meantime here are a couple of christenings in June.

On the plus side though, I'm now off for 12 days in the Caucasus now, which will hopefully yield some interesting work. Back in Gothenburg in time for John and Sara's Majorna wedding to kick off what seems to be the standard four week, four wedding, three country August!

Capital Age Festival

Got a whole load to catch up with, but let's start off with a few pictures from the Capital Age Festival in London: two weeks' of older people's community-based arts and performance groups. Quite astonishing easily we can dismiss just how perfectly capable and creative a lot of older people are.

Lots more information here.