It's been a tricky last few months taking advantage of the lull to get myself familiar with Göteborg, Swedish and to prepare some long overdue administration for the coming year.
The highlight was definitely the
SWPP conference in London with some fascinating talks by some of the big names in the profession even if the trade show ended up
being more expensive than I'd counted on. A lot of inspiration and ideas which I'm looking forward to putting into practice.
It's also a wonderful country for making contacts and, while I'm expecting to be in the UK more than Sweden this year, there are definitely plenty of opportunities presenting themselves here including clients and studio access for portrait work, more of which another time.
Still the downtime is over and while the Swedish winter seems to be thawing into a very soggy Spring, there are daffodils in England and two weddings for me to attend to this month which I've been visiting venues for. It's great fun to see spend a bit of time with the couple while they're relaxed in the places they'll be getting married shortly. And surprisingly their plans had not changed completely since we last met in August. Good to have some people back behind the lens again and hopefully there'll be some shots in my next post.
Until then...